Air Quality & Atmospheric Pollution Testing
Air Quality testing & monitoring at FARE Labs Pvt. Ltd. is done via a well equipped air testing lab with latest equipment and provides a comprehensive one-stop air testing service to businesses and organizations. We have been recognized by Ministry of Environment & Climate Change, Government of India and Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) for air quality testing as well as large scale atmospheric pollution analysis projects.
Environmental Laboratory at FARE Labs deals with contaminants that affect the environment, humans and wildlife. We also facilitate research on the scientific engineering and health aspects of both particulate and gaseous air pollutants. Our commitment to provide quality service, accurate and timely results, expert advice by highly qualified technical staff has made many top brands in India our regular customer for their testing needs. The company’s portfolio of services for air testing is very wide and covers all parameters requested by clients.

- Wind Direction, Wind Velocity, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Solar Radiation: By Weather Monitoring System
- Air testing Particular Matter & Corrosion Rate: Gravimetric Analysis
- Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Ozone, Ammonia, Oil/Mist, Silica and Formaldehyde: By Colorimetric Determination.
- Carbon Monoxide: Sampling through Tedlar Bags and Analyzed by GC and NDIR – CO Analyzer
- Relative Humidity, Air Movement, Ventilation Rate, Light Intensity:Hygrometer, Aneamometer and LUX Meter.
- Particulate Matter: Gravimetric Analysis after sampled by Respirable Dust Sampler, Fine Particulate Sampler, and Real-time BAM Sampler, PM 10 & PM 2.5
- Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Ozone, Ammonia: By Colorimetric Determination by Spectrophotometer
- Carbon Monoxide: CO Analyzer-Non Dispersive Infrared Spectroscopy (NDIR)
- Lead, Nickel, Arsenic: AAS/ICP Method after Sampling EPM 2000 Filter Paper
- Benzene and Benzo(a)Pyrene: Absorption and Desorption followed by GC and Solvent Extraction followed by HPLC