Environment & Pollution Testing Lab

Environment & Pollution Testing Lab- Fare Labs

Atmospheric pollution and gas level monitoring is highly required since it directly affects the health of the environment and human beings. It is mandatory to get indoor as well as outdoor environment tested for pollution levels in manufacturing/processing plants, corporate offices and hospitals.

To ensure the availability of good quality air for everyone, it is necessary to monitor the air quality because of continuous increase in industrialization and population. Source emission monitoring is also required to understand pollutant emission scenarios and to ensure emission reduction as per regulatory requirement. Purity and impurity analysis of gases is required to ensure the extraction of maximum benefits from their applied area and to reduce the unwanted gaseous emission.

At FARE Labs, Environment and Pollution Testing Laboratory is equipped with cutting edge instruments sourced from USA and Japan. Highly trained staff is in place for doing ambient air, DG stack emission, indoor air, noise level, light intensity and gases sampling and analysis. We follow the most recent standards for sampling and analysis of the parameters as per regulatory norms.

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