Hazardous Waste Testing

Soil Testing

A soil test is important for several reasons viz. to optimize crop production, to protect the environment from contamination by runoff and leaching of excess fertilizers, to aid in the diagnosis of plant culture problems, to improve the nutritional balance of the growing media and to save money and conserve energy by applying only the […]
Water Testing

Water testing is carried out to meet the regulatory requirements and adhere to the safety procedures that are needed for pollutant-free water. This is a broad concept that involves several procedures to analyze and evaluate the quality of water. FSSAI has a regulation for licensing of Food Manufacturers to submit Water Test Reports (as per BIS […]
Air Testing

Air Quality & Atmospheric Pollution Testing Air Quality testing & monitoring at FARE Labs Pvt. Ltd. is done via a well equipped air testing lab with latest equipment and provides a comprehensive one-stop air testing service to businesses and organizations. We have been recognized by Ministry of Environment & Climate Change, Government of India and Central […]
Noise Monitoring Testing

The escalating levels of ambient noise in public places, caused by various sources such as industrial and construction activities, loudspeakers, music systems, vehicular horns, generator sets, and other mechanical devices, have adverse effects on human health and psychological well-being. It is essential to regulate and control the sources of noise production and generation to maintain […]
Gases Testing

The gases purity plays a very vital role in performance efficiency of the applied system. To optimize the processes and application benefits of fuel Gases, Industrial Gases, Medicinal Gases etc., as well as reducing the pollutant emission from applied areas it is very important to analyse the purity and impurities of respective gases. We at […]